The middle school program at BLIS is designed to nurture the students’ intellectual, physical, psychological, aesthetic, and social needs during their transition from childhood to adolescence. During this time, students experience rapid growth and a dramatic shift in cognitive abilities as they move from concrete to abstract levels of thinking. We promote academic excellence, personal organization, and independence as students move through this pivotal time.

Our faculty understands and is committed to the interests and needs of the middle years learner. We strive to make all students successful, honouring their talents, challenging them to meet their potential, and encouraging lifelong learning. At BLIS. we believe that the middle school years are productive and exciting years. Meeting the challenges of physical change and the uncertainties of identity formation associated with the age group. We channel the energy, enthusiasm and natural curiosity of emerging adolescents with guidance and structure to make the successful transition to high school.

We deliver the world class Cambridge Curriculum in order for our students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers which prepares them well for the high school IGCSE program.

At home and abroad, our students have participated in Co-curricular activities and sports such as: Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Billiards, Community Service, Young Writers Club, Robotics, Model United Nations, Destination Imagination, International Schools Theatre Association (ISTA), and the Association for Music in International Schools (AMIS).