Welcome to BIS

Welcome and Hoşgeldiniz!

Bilkent may be interpreted to mean ‘city of learning’ and Bilkent International School (BIS) is a proud member of the Bilkent Family. Located on the rolling hills of Bilkent University high above the city of Ankara, BLIS provides a rigorous academic program to children from Pre-Kindergarten and the IB Primary Years Programme through Grade 12, culminating in the IB Diploma.

Both an international school for foreign students and a university laboratory school for Turkish nationals, BIS provides a unique blend of national and international education, educating future leaders in fields of math, science, and the arts and social sciences. We begin with the earliest years of English immersion, progressing to the bilingual elementary grades, through the transitional middle years of Cambridge Secondary 1, and concluding with the international programs of Cambridge IGSCE and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program.

The rich traditions of Bilkent altruism and humanitarianism are reflected in our school community. Our students volunteer for local, national and international projects ranging from building personal relationships with less fortunate youngsters to building homes for less fortunate families. Parents work tirelessly to raise funds for our students to construct school libraries in villages and support service projects throughout the school.

Founded in 1993, BIS is now celebrating our 30th anniversary as the premier international school in Ankara. We have achieved a well-deserved reputation for our excellent programs and the quality of our students both in academics and character. In our short history, we have reinvented ourselves through our name, our structure and our facilities, but throughout, we have retained the vision and mission of our founders, the Dogramaci family.

As stated in our mission, our graduates become exemplary citizens in the community, nation and the world. We are proud of them and we are proud to be contributing to the tradition that is the Bilkent International School.


Sam Gençtürk

Director General